Card and Card Deck

A Card is a flexible and extensible content container.

One to three columns are available. Two options are available for branding and two for theme. An outline is available.

Card Title

Card Content

Card Title

Card Content

Jesse Hall

Card Title

Card Content

Truman the tiger statue wearing a morterboard

Card Title

Card Content

Truman the tiger statue wearing a morterboard

Card Title

Card Content

Truman the tiger statue wearing a morterboard

Card Title

Card Content

How to use Cards / the Card Deck Block

  1. Add a card deck block
  2. From the sidebar menu, select the number of columns for your card deck and your style options from card theme, branded cards and card outline.
  3. Add your content to the first block.
  4. Use the sidebar menu to add images or links to your block.
  5. To add another card, select the card and choose duplicate, or select the card deck and click the plus sign.