
An accordion is a design element that expands in place to expose some hidden information. Accordions allow users to get the big picture before focusing on details, and they can reduce the length of a page making it easier for the user to navigate.

When writing content for a page, remember that headings must be descriptive so readers will be able to gauge whether they should open the accordion.

Use accordions when:

  • Pages are long and your readers likely will only need to find content on a few topics within the page.

Avoid accordions if:

  • Your pages are relatively short (less than three scrolls).
  • Your readers will need to open a majority of the accordions to find answers to their questions.
  • Your readers will want or need to print a page (e.g., it includes instructions). When someone prints a page with accordions, only the open accordion content will print.

Note: Accordions cannot be nested inside of accordions.

Accordions are available in the MU WordPress Base Theme as custom blocks with two style options. A branded accordion (utilized here) uses bold text in the header.

A non-branded accordion (utilized here) uses regular text in smaller font size in the header.

How to use the accordion block

  1. Add an accordion block
  2. From the sidebar menu, select branded or unbranded
  3. Click on the accordion and add your header
  4. From the sidebar menu, select expand accordion
  5. Add your content